How long have you been drawing?
I've been drawing just over a quarter of a century now. I can remember doing artwork even in pre-school. I actually stopped drawing about 6-7 years ago and took up bodybuilding, but I recently picked it back up. Now I'm drawing a bit more, since Laguna's Sketch Pad went up.
Did you ever attend art school?
Nope. I've had this curse since childbirth.
How long does it usually take for you to complete your artwork?
It varies greatly. Sometimes I could whip something up in a few minutes. At other times it could take a few months. It hasn't always been the case, but now I really need to be motivated to work on my some artwork. A lot of times, a piece will go unfinished for a long time and be worked upon at later dates. I'm nowhere near as efficient as an artist as I used to be.
Do you do requests?
No. I have a hard enough time trying to get myself to work on the art that I've got sitting on the drawing board. Like I said earlier, I really need to be motivated to draw. That isn't to say that I won't take any suggestions for a new subject. However, it would have to be something that I would actually enjoy drawing.
Can I use your artwork on my website?
Yes, you may used my artwork on your website. I'm not the type that gets "anal" or spouts out all that copyright jibberish, unless it is totally necessary. I can understand why other artists would, but Laguna's Sketch Pad is an art page for everybody to enjoy. Feel free to use my artwork, but I do have a few rules.
You can't enter my art into any contests. You should only entering your own art.
Don't take credit for my work.
Though it isn't necessary, I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd post a link to Laguna's Sketch Pad. Just don't link directly to the work.
Will there ever be any artwork with nudity on your site? Will there ever be any hentai in the anime gallery?
There probably will be a few pieces posted depicting some nudity. Those particular works will be tasteful however. You definitely will NOT see any sexually explicit or hentai on this site. This is a family oriented webpage. If you want porn, you'll have to go elsewhere. There are plenty of places for that on the internet anyways.
Can I post more than once in your guestbook?
Absolutely! In fact I encourage it. I'd rather see your replies posted in the guestbook section, rather than reading it in my email. Praise, suggestions, or critiques... post it all in the guestbook. Unless I add a forum, it's the best place to interact and express your views on the site.
Will you put up an art tutorial section on your site?
Chances are that I'll never put up a tutorial section on the site. I would make for a pretty good feature, but adding it would sacrifice space needed for other parts of Laguna's Sketch Pad. Besides, it's a lot of work to get a "good" tutorial section up and running. I wouldn't be able to maintain it properly.
If you do want to learn how to draw, paint, or whatever... I've got links to art tutorial websites in the links section. I'm always adding new links, so you should be able to find what you want.
Can I send you some of my artwork?
You may, but there's no chance of me showcasing it on Laguna's Sketch Pad. The site used to feature a guest gallery, but that no longer exists.
Can you draw something for my webpage?
I won't unless I'm feeling very, very, very, very generous. If you want to use my artwork that have been already uploaded, then yes, you may use it.
I have an art-related website. Can you post the URL in your links secton?
Feel free to send me the URL. I'm trying to make my links section into one of the best archives for art-related websites. Don't expect me to link to hentai sites though. Laguna's Sketch Pad is a kid-friendly site.
Why are there pop-up ads on your site?
In order for this site to even exist, I have to have the pop-up ads. That's the "catch" if you plan on having Tripod hosting your website. They give me 20 MBs to work with and I have to display their ads.
Should I use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape when viewing the site?
A lot of the scripting on this website is coded with Internet Explorer (5 or better) in mind. If you do use Netscape, do not expect most of the DHTML effects to display properly.
The layout looks messed up. What's up with that?
Your display isn't optimized to it's fullest potential to view the site. I suggest viewing the page using at the very least a resoulution of 1024x768.
Why don't you date any of your work?
I don't date my work because I don't remember when a lot of them have been done. Also, some of the work has been done to a point and recently spruced up. Do I date the piece according the time most spent on it? Or do I date it at the time I touched it up? I know it would be cool to see how the art has evolved over the years. However, that's just not gonna happen. Sorry.
Are there going to be any more galleries?
I'm thinking about just staying with the current amount of galleries. Adding more could ruin the simple and clean look that the site currently enjoys. That isn't to say that there will never be any new galleries. Who knows? If I get a lot of people signing my guestbook asking for more galleries, then maybe I'll more inclined to do it.
Is your artwork uploaded in order from oldest to most recent?
No. Sometimes I'll post a recently completed piece. Other times I'll just upload some old work that's been lying about. There is no method to my madness.
Will you ever have an animation section or gallery?
Unfortunately no. I think it would be very cool to be able to have a gallery with animations. However, it would really eat up a lot of space. That isn't something that I'm willing to sacrifice at the moment.
Is there a way to keep the ads from popping up all the time?
The best way is to get a pop-blocker like the Google toolbar. Otherwise, just close the two larger ads and minimize the smaller one.